About us

What is the Toowong Christian Assembly?

  • We are a group of born-again Christians (non-denominational) whose object is to worship God and spread His word to others.

What do we believe?

  • God is holy, just and good.
  • Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, He became man and died for sinners on the cross. His death is the only sacrifice for sins.
  • He arose bodily from the dead and returned to heaven.
  • Repentance toward God and trust in Jesus Christ, is the only way of salvation.
  • He assures those who truly believe in Him of forgiveness of sin and eternal life.
  • He will soon return to take His own people from Earth to Heaven.
  • Everyone will meet Him either as their Saviour or their Judge.

What do we practise?

  • We seek to follow the teaching of the New Testament in what we do.
  • We read in the book of Acts 2 v 41-42: “Then they that gladly received his word were baptised…… And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.”
  • Baptism. The first step for a Christian who has trusted in Christ; this is baptism by immersion.
  • Apostles’ doctrine. The teaching in the New Testament which guides us as to how we should conduct ourselves individually and as a church. We therefore hold teaching and Bible study meetings.
  • Fellowship. The Bible makes it clear that meeting together with other Christians in the local church is not simply a casual matter, but we all have an on going responsibility to our fellow Christians.
  • Breaking of Bread. In the New Testament we find that believers met to break bread every Sunday. (Acts 20 v 7.) The Lord Jesus also said to his disciples, in the upper room before he went to the cross. “This do in remembrance of me.” This is an opportunity for those who have been obedient to his word (as set out above) to meet to worship and remember the Saviour.
  • Prayers. The way in which we as individuals and as a church speak to God. Prayer is vital for our spiritual well-being.